Easiest Way to Prepare Simple Apple Pie *Vegan

Easy Food Recipes for Beginners.

It is always a terrific idea to take a look at a number of the popular Simple Apple Pie *Vegan recipes that are available on the internet. This will give you a fantastic idea about what it is possible to earn as long as you have some basic understanding of cooking. The internet also has a great deal of testimonials about everything you can do and can not do if cooking, so it's possible to find a better idea of what's best to perform and what isn't. Provided that you follow a recipe properly, you should be OK.

  1. Ingredients of Simple Apple Pie *Vegan

  2. Simple Apple Pie *Vegan step by step

Simple Apple Pie *Vegan.

Simple Apple Pie *Vegan

Cooking Tips

One of the best things that you can do is to prepare with family or friends. You will be able to detect techniques that they be able to better in your own as a beverage and apply when you cook with someone else. Talk together to see their thought process functions to elevate your own proficiency

You can cook Simple Apple Pie *Vegan using 15 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Simple Apple Pie *Vegan

  1. It's of Pie Crust: (you can also use the instan frozen pie crust).
  2. It's 2.5 cup of plain flour.
  3. You need 1 tsp of salt.
  4. Prepare 1 cup of butter.
  5. Prepare 2/3 cup of ice water.
  6. It's of Pie Filling:.
  7. It's 8-10 of Granny Smith Apples.
  8. You need 1/4 cup of sugar (you can ad more if you like the pie sweeter).
  9. It's 2 tbsp of plain flour.
  10. Prepare 1 tbsp of lemon juice.
  11. Prepare 1 tbsp of cinamon powder.
  12. You need of Egg wash:.
  13. Prepare 1 of egg.
  14. It's 1 tbsp of sugar.
  15. Prepare of Margarine for wiping the tray.

Simple Apple Pie *Vegan step by step

  1. Mix plain flour and salt, grate the butter and mix them together, gradually pour ice water until the dough becomes elastic when it pressed. Divide it into two and wrap it with cling wrap. Rest them overnight..
  2. Pre-heat the oven 200° C..
  3. Peel, core, and slice the apples. Put them in a big bowl. Mix them with the plain flour, sugar, cinamon powder, and lemon juice..
  4. Wipe the tray with lightly with margarine, roll the first dough, place it in the round tray neatly, pour the apple mixture into the tray and pat it down..
  5. Roll the second dough and cut it long rectangle with pizza cutter or knife. Put it on top of the apple mixture, cut the extra dough around the edge, and pinch the edge together to make it looks charming..
  6. Crack an egg and mix it well with sugar, use a cooking brush to wash the top of the pie..
  7. Bake the pie into the pre-heated oven for 30-45 mins in 200° C. You will know it when it's done when you see the juice are bubbling through the vents on top of the pie, otherwise it needs more time to bake..
  8. When its ready, take it out of the oven and let it settle. Enjoy your delicious and simple apple pie..

If you locate this Simple Apple Pie *Vegan recipe useful interest allowance it to your associates or family, thank you and fine luck.